
My Cooking Journey

cook note

published 2023-10-01 19:30

updated 2023-10-03 01:05

I've been thinking about food lately. Perhaps not so much food, as eating habits. I don't really have much interesting to say about eating habits, but I would like to talk about my own.

Currently, I prefer to eat vegan, and enjoy cooking enough to want most my meals to be home cooked. In my quest to front load as much of my life as possible, that means making heaps of leftovers. Even though I've been vegan for 3 years now, and have been primarily been cooking for just as long, I am not yet comfortable with the whole process of Cooking, and so I thought I'd write about it to make it easier.

Part of that involves my weekly meal prep notes so I remember what I'm planning on cooking this week, which is kinda weird to share publicly? But whatever, it's to remind me, I don't know that I'll do this consistently.

Anyways, back to my Cooking Journey.