
Story from 130903

writing story

published 1970-01-01 00:00

updated 1970-01-01 00:00

%date 130903 00:00

I've always wandered about humans seemingly innate ability to compare the abstract with the concrete. I think it's strange that such comparisons are possible, so much so that it's normal to associate your friends with colors, or being able to identitfy human emotions in non-human entities. They call it personification, as though the long, cold darkness could be understood by something so simple as the condensation of water. Or perhaps trees could somehow be shaped into believing it didn't fit in with the others, and will never be tall enough to contribute to the forest, but stands alone as a log of wood. That would imply the forest mattered to the tree, or the tree could care about the forest, both of which are false. The need for people to idetify with things that have physically nothing in common with themselves, is astounding. We have words for that though.