
Look at the World as though it's Communicating with You

way phil culture

published 2024-04-06 13:05

updated 2024-04-06 13:31

We don't stop to think enough about how much everything is communicating with us. I really do mean everything. Not just other people in our lives, but all the animals we may encounter, pets and wildlife alike, birds in your cities. Even the trees communicate with you. About the seasons, and the weather. Even the built environment itself is a form of communicating.

We've built up so many myths around explicitly seeing things as not communicating, which is unfortunate because everything is communicating with us. Being alive means having intent. Intent is the fabric of communication.

Life gets so much better when you take on a listening attitude. When you listen for what others are telling you, you find yourself in better situations. You avoid problems that are signalling do not approach. You connect with things that are. People, places, interests, Life. Serendipity becomes more likely.

It sounds like real hippie shit, I don't know what to tell ya. Science won't be able to give us the answer. Don't be a blind Materialist 🙏🏽

It's only once you start listening to the world, you understand the problems it's going through. All the people, all the suffering. You'll start to hear and see that too. We can address these problems together, but we have to recognize them first.