%update 2020-03-12
- nixpkgs PR (first PR generally)
- owning the fxtec pro 1 for more than a month
- struggling with putting Kitaab online because of personal stuff
- stream (quotes, toots, rss stars, etc) vs garden (kitaab)
Weaving the story of magic computers:
- What does it feel like to do magic?
- What can magic do?
- What can the magic NOT do?
think about putting Kitaab online in some sort of form
100DaysToOffload ideas:
- digital everything: the onyx note pro, kobo, kitaab, etc
- against heroes
- robust computing
- against advertising
- comfortable with the uncomfortable
- data as magic (short story)
- kindness requires strength
- morning routine
website changes:
- about/contact page with links and form
- picture of my face on homepage
- life tracker
datalife IndieMark 2 syndication
add them to maze have a wiki, links, now, contact/about for top bar main page leads you down maze links page is built from stars in shaarli
- personal
- logs
- digital infrastructure/tech commentary
- lifelong learning plan
- 4 Cs of my life (Creator, Career, Consumer, Thinker??)
- ads bad
- who free software is for
- digital charms
- dreaming of robust conputing
- piecing together my life / life tracking (meta)
- taming technology, security, privacy (firewall, foss)
- putting up barriers; against convience
- Loop Habits pull request
- the internet isnt soverign, its nationalized
- lifelong learning plan
- experiments
- securing my wifi network
- learning ncurses through snake
- configuration
- stories
- data weaver (tools like yaad), data builders (engineers), bouncers (security), operations?, data world
- how to fuck up your phone (and fix it) [story of broken line]
- against heroes
- auto publish to dat
- add indieWeb support
- have rel=me for mastodon page?
- add CSS for different kinds of tags in arts page
- add that photo that i use everywhere to the landing page
dependence on digital, losing data?
Experimental - Dissent, Hipster, Non conforming, Individual Understanding Dreamer Warm Optimism philosophical/conversational trickster/shady/mysticism Balanced/Multi disciplinary/Inbetweenness Resilient/Mindful/Adaptable Difficult, against convience Not a Consumer My troubles with Memory The Power of Words/Keeping Identity Small
post flow: intro/web+ > digital infrastructure > data hoard > what is information narrative as reasoning (analysing previous 3 posts) > the medium is the message
that which cannot be percieved
the constant stream of information - the week with no internet at home
pacisifism as a technologist The responsibility of Technologists
s o c i a l d o e s n ' t s c a l e
a d v e r t i s i n g i s e v i l , or fuck big tech giving up the media game
redefining private as a concept on the Internet the public/private divide
t h e p r o b l e m w i t h g a m i f i c a t i o n
t h e m e d i u m i s t h e m e s s a g e
Censorship as drowning out - corporations as public utilities
weekly summaries - mastobot
data dives - music library analysis, hdd folders analysis, task warrior, habits, expenses, browser history)
phones as production devices rather than consumption machines
Anonymity as a super power
ephemeralizing the social web
story (not reason) is the basis of belief You are the story
M y t r o u b l e w i t h h i s t o r y M y t r o u b l e w i t h I d e n t i t y
n o h e r o e s
a n i v o r y t o w e r u n t o i t s e l f , m a r o o n e d o n a i s l a n d f a r a w a y t h e d u a l i t y o f m y s o c i a l c i r c l e s - l a c k o f a n i n g r o u p - a n i v o r y t o w e r
Fuck the American cultural hegemony
This website is not for you analytics that everyone can see?
Wanting to be Everything.
Possible Futures