linux tips and tricks
installing an app to the gnome menu
add an desktop entry to ~/.local/share/applications/ for desktop entries available to a single user (look in that folder for examples)
crontab -e to edit the cron file cron takes 5 inputs followed by the CMD you wish to run:
- ls min hour day month week
the above cron tag will run ls every minute of every day all the time. Hour is in 24hr format. So 00 00 * ~/scripts/music-pull will run music-pull everyday at 12AM
its generally advisable to schedule these scripts at specific odd times so that they don't clash with other things
There are also other types of formats: @reboot (i've run into trouble with this, as it is only called specifically when the computer is rebooted, not at any boot)
ssh copy
to copy your ssh key to a new computer run ssh-copy-id user@server
ssh config
the ssh config file is truly versatile
stop: /etc/init.d/logmein-hamachi stop start: /etc/init.d/logmein-hamachi start
rename a branch:
- git branch -m
pull upstream master changes:
- git checkout master
- git merge
see remote repos:
- git remote -v
add remote repo:
- git remote add
ssh:// :<dir/of/remote> - git remote add
create a git branch:
- git branch
checkout a branch:
- git checkout
push to specific branch:
- git push --set-upstream