to start tidal cycles:
run scide
(or run the SuperCollider IDE) in terminal to start SuperCollider server
execute the following code in scide:
{{{supercollider include("SuperDirt") SuperDirt.start }}}
open a new terminal and run tidalvim
you should now be running tidal, use ctrl+E
to pass lines to tidal from vim
when you add more sounds to each cycle, it speeds up, the time of the cycle remains constant
----- is the buffer to super collider, there are 9 opened by default in tidal
/ --- the "command" to run
v v
d1 $ sound "bd:2 bd bd ~"
^ ^ ^
\ \ --- is a rest note
\ --- is the sound that is going to be played; play the 3rd (0 indexed) sound in bd
--- magical $ notation
using [] we can create sub sequences that run "together" in the same step of each cycle this can be done recursively
using this we can achieve nice compound time signatures:
{{{tidalcycles d1 $ n "[0 2 1] [4 4 5]" # s "drum" }}}
alternative notation:
{{{tidalcycles d1 $ n "0 2 1 . 4 4 5" # s "drum" }}}
= speeding, slowing, repeating =
- is the same as a subsequence (s "kick*2" == s "[kick kick]") ! is the same as repeating the sound (s "kick!2" == s "kick kick") / "divides" the step into n steps and alternates them
we can combine these to shorten lengthy things:
{{{tidalcycles s "[kick [lo hi]/2]*2" == s "kick lo kick hi" }}}
, allows us to have multiple "tracks" in the same pattern but they must be in a subsequence!
{{{tidalcycles d1 $ s "[bd sn, lo hi lo lo]" }}}
{{{tidalcycles d1 $ s "bd ~ sn ~" d2 $ s "lo hi lo lo" }}}
are the same
changes tidalcycles to make the steps align instead of the cycles aligning
effects & commands
stut - create echos {{{tidalcycles d1 $ stut 4 0.5 (-0.1) $ s "bd sn" }}}
adding a samples directory
File > Open Start Up File > Add line ~dirt.loadSoundFiles("path/to/directory/*");
is the same as #, it takes values from the right and structure from the left
indicates which side to take structure from
and the arrow indicates which side to take values from
hence with the following combinations
{{{ |> <| |<
| }}}
we can mix and match any combinations