A total list of the digital infrastructure I run or utilize a different form of visualizing the same data collected in other parts of this wiki. i want to make diagrams out of these.
RSSHub WireGuard FeedBin
Digital Infrastructure
- nextcloud (bowl)
- files
- calendar
- photos
- files
- ▝▟▝▛▛▚▞▐ (bowl)
- wallabag (bowl)
- taskwarrior (bowl)
- gitea (cube)
- passwords
- blog (cube)
- rss reader (
- Mastodon (░▓▕▒
- Scuttlebutt (line / curve / box)
- Habits (line)
- Syncthing
- this notebook
- tiddlyWiki
- scratch
- dvlg
- Telegram, Wire, Whatsapp, Signal, Matrix
- AlgoVPN
gnome paperWM (curve) TidalVM or PopOS_Shell (box) alacritty/tilix patchbay firefox
- wallbag
- tree style tabs
- simple tab groups
- shaarlier
- uMatrix
- vimperator
- dark reader
- css zsh (powerlevel10k) tilix -> theme not saved by nixOS (stored in ~/.config/tilix/schemes) feedReader geary telegram mastodon fractal neovim
- plugins/vimrc homeshick? syncthing ripcord processing vcv-rack tidalcycles wire signal task warrior bean count