is: refurbished thinkpad X270
boot encrypted: yes, with yubikey
- nvim
- theme
- ayu in terminal
- wallpaper
- firefox
- polybar
- eww?
- rofi
- mouse
- kde connect
- autorandr
- on top of current screen, not to the right
- disconnect / some way to access 2nd monitor desktop
- firefox
- declarative addons
- browserpass
- vimperator (themes!)
- ublock origin
- wallabagger
- shaarli
- grasp
- declarative addons
- calendar app + syncing (khal + vsyncdir)
- zsh
- taskwarrior
- neomutt
- nheko
- suspend
- grub theme
- jackd / PipeWire
- tidalvim
- supercollider
- vcv-rack - not installed?
- vim processing? quil?
- GPXViewer - delete? (cairo not found)
- ssh keys
- gpg subkeys
- yubikey
- numpad busted
- "\" key
- add . to number layout
- think about different/extra placement for alt
- A complete list of the digital infrastructure I run or utilize
- A complete list of the digital infrastructure I run or utilize
- Bots for Matrix
- Infrastructure.sync-conflict-20201012-130837-KZ7HRBJ
- Infrastructure.sync-conflict-20201012-130837-KZ7HRBJ
- Updating to a new version of NixOS
- 230810-0028
- Uses
- All my fucking computers broke
- The state of my infrastructure
- Mad or something
- Updating Curve
- Services
- 200921-1454